Sunday, August 23, 2009

LeBron James' King For Kids Bike-a-thon

AKRON -- It was a parade fit for a king. Lebron James and the LeBron James family foundation spent Saturday in James' hometown of Akron to host the 2009 State Farm "King for Kids Bike-a-thon."

LeBron's mother, Gloria, was there to kick-off the event.

The event is held each year to recognize and reward Akron-area children who have contributed to the community.

James' teammate Mo Williams, along with celebrities Chris Paul, Nick Cannon, and Lil J.J., strapped on their helmets and took to a one-mile ride through the city.

Hundreds of children received free bikes.

Proceeds from the bike-a-thon will benefit the Akron area YMCA and the Akron Urban League.

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